Interviews & Essays -

The Menopositivity Diaries, Vol. 2

Taboos can end when the truth is revealed.

By Womaness Editors     3-Minute Read

Menopositivity Diaries on menopause from WomanessStigmas end—and conversations change—when you know the facts, educate and support others, and focus on the positive. In honor of this year’s World Menopause Awareness Month, we’re proud to share a new installation of our popular Menopositivity Diaries, stories from real women like you who embrace “menopositivity”: a radiant outlook on life that faces the changes of menopause with optimism, joy, and wisdom. We hope they continue to inspire you. Because the whole menopause taboo? It's time for that to be over.

Have your own story? Share with us on Instagram or The After Party, our private Facebook group.


Positivity about menopause 

“How can any woman not love the physical and emotional freedom! Menopause used to be referred to as ‘the change’ and everyone considered it to be negative and not discussed. Luckily we’ve plowed through that and can accept this ‘change’ as a new chapter.  Every woman gets to be her own author…


“I wholeheartedly embrace aging enthusiastically. It's my time to be myself and take risks, but allow no time for judgments or comparisons. It's my time to think outside the box and investigate the 'what ifs' and the 'why nots.' I want to have my own answers, I want to rework equations and expectations, and I plan to do it with enthusiasm and grace.” 

– Gretchen


“I am 55, post menopause since 52. The BEST part of menopause is MANY... I have more TIME, time to practice my desires to be fit, healthy and strong as an ageing women. I feel more at PEACE with acceptance of who I am - a woman who YES has wrinkles, sunspots, and saggy bits but also a woman who has life experience, memories of fun in the sun and an underlying sense that those simple things in life are important. I love that life brings an opportunity to find forgiveness, a time to find closure to that which no longer serves me and a time to embrace what does serve me. The knowledge that 'nothing lasts forever' and a practice of placing my feet in others shoes and finding empathy. I LOVE LOVE LOVE getting older.”

– Dana 

Menopause menopositivity


“My menopause journey started early, and I had no idea what was happening to me. I really thought I was sick. Navigating the medical and non-medical options was extra challenging since none of my female friends or family had gone through it yet. Over the last few years I’ve connected with so many women in midlife going through menopause. I’ve shared my experience and they’ve shared theirs. I’ve found doctors, products, therapeutic techniques and more all through communication and conversation in this incredible female community.”

– Tracy


I’m 44 and reached menopause sooner than most women around me. I was already on HRT at 40 and had a hysterectomy at 42. The best part of this chapter is I have become such a great advocate for myself and what’s going on in my body. I’ve became more vocal than I ever was. I’m in love with my fuller body and all that goes with it. And I’m on a journey to teach younger woman about this great change that they will experience. It has been kept in the dark far too long.  Also our men need to be educated so they can provide the right support
– Victoria 

When I hit my forties, I used to be embarrassed about starting to have hot flashes and brain fog. I am so happy to find a community of women who are going through the same thing. It really helps to know that I am not going through this new stage of life alone and I no longer have to be afraid to talk about it.
– Tasheika

the change is a new chapter

More Interviews & Essays

The Menopositivity Diaries, Vol. 1
The Womaness Manifesto
Menopause Takes the Lead