Interviews & Essays -

The Menopositivity Diaries

A key to changing the conversation around menopause? Sharing our stories.

By Womaness Editors     5-Minute Read

We believe the first step in ending the taboo around menopause is sharing our experiences with others—because to change the conversation around this phase of life, you have to begin talking about it in the first place. In honor of October’s World Menopause Awareness Month, we’re proud to share these stories from real women embracing what we call “menopositivity”: a radiant outlook on life that faces the changes of menopause with optimism, joy, and wisdom. We hope they inspire you as much as they’ve inspired us.

Have your own story? Share with us on Instagram or The After Party, our private Facebook group.


“I feel stronger and more beautiful than ever. I am finally living my life for me. I have been waiting for this feeling since I was young, and I never knew 50+ could feel this fabulous and free. I am so happy to be this version of myself. I have arrived!”
– Suzanne

“I am a preschool teacher/administrator and have two adult-ish-age children. During this past year of Covid-era blah, I have also welcomed gray hair and lots of it. Also have welcomed some zombie complexion—dry, pale, and dark circles under my eyes. I often feel like I am blooming, but recently feel like a plant that hasn't been watered; I'm a bit wilted, but I think I still have good roots! Just need to know how to take care of them so my outsides match my insides.”
– Helen

“What surprised me about menopause is that for it to be something that all women will experience, it appeared to be a hush-hush topic. I am excited about how menopause is now being discussed more openly, and I feel like I will be better equipped to conquer this new stage of my life.”
– Tasheika


“The transformation of menopause has been a powerful one for me. It began early, as it did for my mom. She urged me to go through it without interference and embrace the rollercoaster with self-love and compassion! Because she normalized it and communicated about it, I never viewed it as negative, just a normal part of my womanhood.”
– Lisa

“I now can see MORE of what I want for the second half of my life. MORE health, more connection, more work empowering women, more honesty, more yoga, more nature, less alcohol, less saying yes because I think I have to, less wasting time on people, places or projects that don't align with my soul.”
– Kristin

“I’m a breast cancer survivor and a divorced mom of two teenage daughters. I switched careers into real estate two years ago, which has completely changed my financial status. It’s humbling but I’m enjoying learning and growing in this stage of life. Through it all though I remind myself to stay open and grateful. Life is a journey and I’m clearly getting the backstage tour!”
– Judy


“I am 51. It has been quite the journey and many lessons have been learned, obstacles overcome, and demons battled. Grateful for each day and being fully present in this moment. P.S. I feel like I am in the best stage of my life in a lot of ways—mentally, physically, spiritually, and emotionally.”
– Mary

“I was a school teacher, then a flight attendant, and then a stay-at-home mom. Our three kids are finding their own way now and I’m figuring out next steps. These hot flashes are trying their best to beat me down, but I am growing, always growing.”
– Gwen

“I am 63 years old and in the hotel business. For the past few years, I have been inundated with family and friends saying, ‘Let’s go to lunch; stop working.’ And I started to believe that’s what I should do. In the past nine months, I said to hell with that! I am juiced up and starting two new hotel projects.”
– Liz


“It was just before my 21st birthday when I started to feel unwell—every day was a battle of hot flushes, achy body, dry skin, night sweats, lack of sex drive, and so much more. I thought it was just the flu. Sadly, after months of tests and being passed from doctor to doctor, I was told that I had gone through menopause and was experiencing something known as premature ovarian failure. It is pretty uncommon for someone that age and devastating to be told, before you have even thought about starting a family, that you will never be able to have your own children. However, 16 years later [at age 34] and through the miracle of modern science, the generosity of a kind and anonymous egg donor, and the skills of many doctors, I am expecting my first child this winter. Although it has been a difficult journey with so many lessons, a lot of hormones, and a battle of the hot flushes, I feel so blessed to be in the position I am in. I wish we as women spoke about menopause more. It is so important to listen to your body and to know when something is wrong and advocate for yourself but also understand that it can all be managed through nutrition, skin care, and hormones.”
– Katie


“Why would I slow down? I just found my groove and I LOVE it…my children are grown and good. It’s time for me to do me.”
– Laura

“This last half [of life] has been wild! I have three grown children: one who lives in Chicago and two who are in Seattle and are 21. I am also a newlywed and will soon be celebrating my first anniversary. I have closed one chapter of my life and I am shifting all of that knowledge into a new format. In my experience, the back half of life is where the joy lives.”
– Samantha

“At age 60 I decided to go back to school and pursue a Master’s Degree from San Jose State University (while also working). I was in class with twenty-somethings, yet getting my degree and walking at graduation was a huge accomplishment. You’re never really done learning or growing, no matter your age.”
– Karen

“After saving my money my entire adult life for the second half, this is the worst time to pause! I am finally at the time of my life where I can take the money I’ve kept and the wisdom I’ve gathered to the adventures I always dreamed of. Don’t pause now—go, go, go!”
– Linda

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