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Womaness Woman: Wendy Euler

Say hello to the age activist, model, and writer behind the podcast “Cropped."

By Womaness Editors     2-Minute Read

Wendy Euler Womaness WomanWe'll admit it: "Goodbye Crop Top" might be one of our favorite pro-aging community names. "We give a platform to the important and too-often-marginalized voices of women of a certain age who aren’t going quietly into the sunset wearing sensible shoes," explains its creator Wendy Euler. "It is really just a metaphor for what to let go of and what to hold onto. Whether you choose to wear or say goodbye to the crop top is entirely your choice; empowerment is the message." 

We couldn't have said it better ourselves. Read on to learn why we're featuring the model, writer, and host of the "Cropped: A Midlife Minute" podcast. We know you'll find inspiration, crop top or not.


"The important thing is (as you say) not to pause, not to stop. You must keep moving."


First thing I do each morning 

"The FIRST thing I do each morning—before my feet hit the ground—is set my intention for the day and offer gratitude for all that's going RIGHT in my life. Then I have a strong coffee and a glass of lemon water."


Three things I always keep in/on my nightstand  

"My phone (in case my kids need me), a stack of books, and Aquaphor."


My go-to beauty hack or wellness ritual 

"Less make up (or most anything for that matter) is more."


My inner age (the age I really feel) and why

"I honestly don't give this any thought. I guess mainly because each year I am feeling better about everything and taking more measures to be strong and healthy. So, I’ll say 54. My inner and outer age is 54. Just where I should be. Saying this, I am definitely a kid at heart."


Advice I would give to my younger self

"Tune out the editors. Embrace your differences because that’s what makes you beautiful."


We don’t believe in “The Pause.” Tell us, what are you not pausing on? 

"Life in general. I’ve had to change direction so many times. The important thing is (as you say) not to pause, not to stop. You must keep moving."


Word that best describes your Womaness



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