Interviews & Essays -

Womaness Woman:
Stephanie Morimoto

Why we love this owner/CEO and her wellness brand Asutra.

By Womaness Editors     2-Minute Read

After Stephanie Morimoto burned out earlier in her career, she discovered a new purpose: learning to take care of herself unapologetically and leading her company Asutra to empower others to do the same. Her women-owned and women-led company is here to help you take care of yourself on purpose so you can take on anything (something they call “active self-care”—yes, please!). Many of Asutra’s safe, natural products focus on magnesiuman ingredient we’re fans of at Womaness—and they became such a staple for global tennis star Venus Williams that she joined Stephanie’s team as part owner and Chief Brand Officer.

Our time with Stephanie left us inspired. We're positive she’ll inspire you, too. And if you’d like to try Asutra for yourself, she’s sharing an offer for 15% off. Click here to save now...


"Don’t believe that your productivity equals your worth. Who you are in the world, how kind you are, and how you treat others – that’s what matters."


First thing I do each morning 

"I have a morning wake-up routine. 1) I take ten deep breaths. 2) I open the curtains and let sunlight hit my eyes, which helps wake up my brain. 3) I drink two glasses of water."


Three things I always keep in/on my nightstand  

"A great night’s sleep is a #1 priority for me – especially since I travel a lot. On my nightstand, wherever in the world that is, I always have: 1) Asutra Mist Your Mood lavender and chamomile essential oil pillow spray. 2) A book to wind down my mind. 3) Hand cream."


My go-to beauty hack or wellness ritual 

"At Asutra, our mission is to help you take care of yourself on purpose so you can be your best. For me, sleep is an important way that I take care of myself on purpose. I sleep eight to ten hours per night. One in three of us are sleep-deprived, yet good sleep helps us handle stress better and improves our patience, creativity, and decision-making. All of this supports a better mood. I use Asutra magnesium oil spray every morning and night, which helps me recover post-workouts and feel calm before bedtime. When we feel good, we look good!"


My inner age (the age I really feel) and why

"Honestly, I don’t feel a certain age. I feel in the moment. The biggest evolution for me is truly listening to my body, mind, and soul and giving all of those aspects of myself what they need."


Advice I would give to my younger self

“Don’t equate what you do with who you are. Don’t believe that your productivity equals your worth. Who you are in the world, how kind you are, and how you treat others – that’s what matters.” 


We don’t believe in “The Pause.” Tell us, what are you not pausing on? 

"Optimizing the joy in my life. Spending time with the wide variety of people I love, doing what I love, and engaging in things that I feel are making a positive difference."


Word that best describes your Womaness

"Wellness. I’ve been on a wellness journey for 20+ years. I love supporting others on their wellness journeys, which is why I created Asutra to help you with purposeful self-care."


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