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Ask an Integrative Medicine MD: “Will eating soy affect my hormones?”

Get the facts from hormone expert Dr. Taz MD.

By Womaness Editors   1-Minute Read

Welcome to ASK AN EXPERT, a series where we pose your real questions to our menopause experts for the intel you need. Need an answer? Post your question on The After Party, our private Facebook Group.


Your Question:

“I am a woman dealing with changing hormones. Should I eat soy, or avoid it?


The Answer:

From Dr. Tasneem Bhatia, known as Dr. Taz, MD, Board Certified in Integrative Medicine, Founder and CEO, CentrespringMD, and author of The Hormone Shift: 

“Fermented, non-processed soy—things like tempeh—is good for hormones. They're phytoestrogens and can often help.

But processed soy like a soy powder, fake meats, or things like that are not so great for hormones. That's how you differentiate between the two.


“Food is a lot about balance...


Food is a lot about balance because every food has a macronutrient and a micronutrient profile—and too much of anything is never great. I think we always think about good versus bad foods, but a lot of times, it's this sweet spot or somewhere in the middle. So, having three to four servings of fermented soy, real soy, weekly is a good thing. But having it four and five times a day is not so great.”


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Disclaimer: This article is intended for informational purposes and is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a physician. Womaness strives to share the knowledge and advice from our network of experts and our own research. We encourage you to make healthcare decisions in partnership with a qualified healthcare professional.