Meno 101 -

Ask an OB/GYN: "What is vaginal estrogen?"

Get the scoop from Dr. Lyndsey Harper.

By Womaness Editors   1-Minute Read

Ask an Expert menopause series with Dr. Lyndsey Harper

Welcome to ASK AN EXPERT, a series where we pose your real questions to our menopause experts for the intel you need. Need an answer? Post your question on The After Party, our private Facebook Group.


Your Question:

“What is vaginal estrogen? Are there any benefits? And is it safe?


The Answer:

From Dr. Lyndsey Harper, Board-Certified OB/GYN & founder/CEO of Rosy: "If you normally want to shy away from hormones but you're having vaginal dryness, recurrent UTIs, or painful sex, there are vaginal estrogen tabs, creams, and applicators that only work locally in the vagina and make the vagina elastic again. Vaginal estrogen makes the vagina able to create its own mucus, to lubricate naturally, and it can really decrease the risk of vaginal infections and urinary tract infections. It can obviously help with sexual function as well.

Some people are on systemic hormonal replacement therapy, meaning orally or through a patch, and they are on vaginal replacement. But it's always an option to be on vaginal replacement only.

It is amazing and people don't talk about it. They don't often know that it's available. It's really very safe."


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Ask a Doctor: "Why does sex hurt in menopause?"

Disclaimer: This article is intended for informational purposes and is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a physician. Womaness strives to share the knowledge and advice from our network of experts and our own research. We encourage you to make healthcare decisions in partnership with a qualified healthcare professional.